Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Classification and Life Cycles of Pest Mealybug

Mealybug (Pseudococcus) is one of the pest that are difficult to control, this pest also has the properties polyfag which attack many kinds of plants, but this pest more often and maybe you also often see on chilli plants, cassava, mango, papaya and many more plants Preferred mealybug. So when you see pest mealybugs or white bugs on plants and how to treat mealybugs, I suggest you quickly can pest control mealybug pest, if only some of them you can the mealybug removal by hand, as this pest has a rapid development and includes pest carrier plant viruses, so it is feared when you are not going to control it can be bad for your plants, for example, your plants affected by the disease.
"mealybug","mealybug classification","mealy bugs pictures"
Before you try different ways to control the pest mealybugs and in fact you feel difficulty in controlling the pest mealybugs, then you should to know more detail pest mealybugs, you can find information to know the classification pest mealybug and mealy bugs life cycle, with you know information about classification mealybug pest and its life cycle in the future then you can easily control it with the right target, the right dose, and precise methods used in pest control mealybugs. The following classification mealybug pest and life cycle pest mealybug.

Mealybug pest classification
Mealybug have the classification as follows:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropods
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Sub order: Sternorrhyncha
Family: Pseudococcidae
Genus: Pseudococcus

pest mealybug or white bugs include family members Pseudococcidae that had white powder on the outer layer and layer it as a candle that wraps the whole body pest mealybugs, it makes pest mealybug is very difficult to control because it has such coatings that function as a defense from predators and you may never experience it at your plant by using insecticide for mealybugs but not effective and did not produce results. For you who do not know to know the most preferred place mealybug pest you can practice it by flipping the leaves on your plants, because these pests most prefer to nest on the the bottom leaves. Once we know the classification mealybugs then we will continue the discussion of white flea life cycle, so hope after we know it will be easier pest control. Here mealybug pest the life cycle.

The Life Cycle Pest Mealybug
The life cycle pest mealybugs between the males with which females have different life cycles, mealybug females metamorphosed paurometabola (metamorphosis stages), which consists of egg phase, then phase nymph, this phase consists of instar 1 to instar 3, and the last phase of imago, the imago phase mealybug females have no wings. The time needed to complete one generation cycle is about one month, it also depends on the temperature conditions into place of his life.
While for the mealybug life cycle male metamorphosed perfect that consist from egg phase to phase nymph same as the mealybug females but after phase nymph mealybug male metamorphosed into a pupa, and the last phase of imago and the mealybug males phase of imago has a pair wing. (Tanwar et al., 2010). That's the difference in the life cycle that is owned by the mealybug pest, so when you find these pests then you can identify the pest mealybug has entered the phase of what, when you know you are expected to be easier to controlling it.
"mealybug life cycles","mealybug pest","mealybug"
Similarly, the information that I can give about the classification and the life cycle pest mealybugs, may be useful for you, and in the future we will discuss ways of knowing pest infestation mealybugs and pest control measures mealybugs, so the information I provide step by step is expected for that a new activity on the farm or have a new hobby planting crops more easily master the information about the farm, okay I used to end until here, and I'll see you at the next discussion.

"Greetings Agriculture" 

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