Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

Pests In Chilli and How To Pest Control In Chilli Plants

Chili plants as crops more in its development will always meet with problems such as pests that are present in chilli, pests the chilli many kinds, so it takes knowledge by growers chili to know what types of pests in chilli, making it easy for farmers chili or gardening chili selecting insecticides in control pests of chili.
"pest control","chilli","how to pest control in chilli plants"
In control pests on chilli plenty of options that you could choose including a pest control chemical or integrated pest management, integrated pest management encompasses natural pest control and organic pest control. In practice, please choose which method will be used to control pests on chilli. Before we control pests in chilli we must know beforehand pests in chili that often found, following pests on chili that often found from my experience in planting chillies.

Pests In Chilli and How To Pest Control In Chilli Plants
Mealybug / aphids
Mealybug pests most frequently attacks the chilli plants, whether it's chili plants are still small or chilli plants are already great, you can try to control my tips mealybug pest control at a low cost on your chilli plants.

Caterpillar pests in chilli
Caterpillar pests may be the most difficult to control caterpillar pests in
chilli there are 2 types including caterpillar (Spodoptera litura) that attacks the leaves of chili, with conditions chili leaves pests caterpillar can later be reduce the ability of plant photosynthesis so as to make plants to grow and produce fruit not the maximum, the 2nd is a caterpillars (Helicoverpa sp and Spodoptera exigua) that attack the chilli fruit, caterpillars of this type will attack fruit with damage the contents chilies, Perhaps you are familiar see chilies which the perforated either still green or already red and result of damage pests make the quality of chilli is very ugly, and in pest control is also difficult because it will be very active at night, so spraying insecticide in the morning or the afternoon sometimes ineffective. In the control you can apply natural pest control, by maximizing their natural enemies are expected population can be controlled, could also use organic pest control or chemical, because a lot of options using chemical insecticides so I'll make a list of pesticides to control pests in the next discussion, and I would just make a list of the active ingredients alone, will you be looking at a farm store near you.

Fly pest seed / fruit flies
Fruit fly pest in chilli is also a bit hard to control, the damage pests are fruit flies lay their eggs on the fruit and when the eggs will hatch into caterpillars and damage chilies. To control you can making traps pests on fruit flies, the purpose from the making this trap is to control pest populations of fruit flies in chilli or you can maximize the natural enemies of fruit flies as the use of insecticides in my opinion less effective because the accuracy, fruit flies will always fly if she feels threatened.

Pests trhips make the leaves on the plant chilli seen a line slightly colored silver or also leaves look existing splotches of yellow to brown, if not controlled could make the plants become dry and die, as information pests trhips would be severe during the dry season or summer. To be able to control natural enemies such as beetles or ladybugs or could use chemical insecticides.
"pest","chilli plants","chilli plants pest control"
Pests mites
Pests mites on chili, mite pests usually yellow but red mite also need to watch out, to control pest mites on chilli plants you can use acaricides.

Note: for the prevention of pests on plants is to maintain the cleanliness of chilli or area cultivation of chili you and maximize the integrated pest management.

That is the information I can give you about pests in chili and pest control measures on chilli, if there are other cases you can ask me, perhaps I can help you in solving the problem of pests in chilli you, because each person in the planting chillies could experience a different case, so do not hesitate to ask me how to pest control on chilli plants that most effective.

Pest control on plants Actually there are many that we can find a way, but with the limited time I am then I will strive at least 1 day can be discussed about pest control plants, and hopefully the information I provide can be useful and help you to handle with the problem of pests on your plants.

Greetings agriculture, I hope you do not worry anymore when planting chillies after knowing the information I provide.

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Knowing the Integrated Pest Management System on Agribusiness

Integrated pest management in the agricultural sector these days started to demand by farmers, especially in developing countries, the farmers integrated pest control has hope in increasing the production and quality of agricultural products. This is highly related to the condition of the agricultural environment deteriorating, the application of integrated pest management expected to improve the condition of agricultural land into fertile and healthy again. We know that the soil which broken because one of them using chemical pesticides to control pests excessively and are not attach importance the natural ecosystem and cause many new problems, and a result we often find pest that are resistant and reduced the population natural enemies of pests plants with chemical pesticides are used. From the problems which continue to appear in pest control, then comes the integrated pest management system.
"integrated pest management","pest control","agribusiness"
The definition integrated pest management is an agricultural system in practice combines various plant protection system as a whole so that plants can grow well and the maximum. The application of integrated pest management in crop plants you expected the pests removal on plants can be successful and can increase agricultural productivity, not harming it economically, and do not damage natural ecosystems that exist in the agricultural environment, that's the purpose integrated pest management.

On the principle integrated pest management is to maximize the pest management or pest control by harnessing the power of natural elements which can control pests in order to remain on the conditions below the threshold which detrimental to farmers in the agricultural business. The application of integrated pest management adhering to the following principles:
  • Utilization of natural control to the maximum, can use natural enemies of insects and pathogens or bacteria as a natural pest control.
  • Management of ecosystems by altering habitat, this will make the lives of pests or microorganisms detrimental to farmers to be disturbed.
  • The use of pesticides wisely or it could replace the use of natural pesticides.
Integrated pest management can be understood by the system control pests and diseases in its application using a combination of physical and mechanical control methods, control how to grow crops, chemical control and biological control. How is the one used in the concept of integrated pest management. Here is an explanation of integrated pest management methods that you can apply in your farm.
  • Physically integrated pest management are frequently applied in conventional agriculture by control pests are directly visible on the plant.
  • Mechanically integrated pest management is management of with use of tools that we use in control pests, integrated pest control examples by using the tool is trapping pests so the pests on plants can be controlled, or use a pest spray. 
  • Integrated pest management by way of farming that is the way in cultivating you use quality seeds and planting by way of changing the crops you grow, so this method you can get the benefits integrated pest management at your plant, namely the cessation of the life cycle of the pest which you cultivated and can be be replaceable up with the arrival of new pests, so the integrated pest management concept, crop rotation farmers cultivated a very important has the effect in the success of pest control plants.
  • Integrated pest management chemically, this way you can use the condition is urgent and requires the use of chemical pesticides, invitation criteria pests on your plants is increasing rapidly, pest control chemicals tips pest control can do include targeted pests your plants, right dose or precision pest control and the number of active ingredients used in control pests on your plants, or you can use the pest control tips from me by using a very low cost and environmentally friendly.
Integrated pest management in sustainable agriculture will get a lot of benefits obtained by farmers on agribusiness it, this has been my practice and I am also grateful to be born in a country that pioneered the farming with a system integrated pest management and has successfully implement it, it makes me knowing bit much knowledge of integrated pest management and practice in agriculture business which I do, so on integrated pest management I have gained a lot of experience from start pioneered it until now, much will we get from observation and experience I have gained in the integrated pest management , those benefits including the following:

Integrated Pest Management Benefits
  • Reducing costs in agriculture business, pest control which not to use chemical pesticides can reduce the cost we spend, you can use alternative insecticides for example, you create your own organic insecticides to organic pest control or alternative pest control with maximize natural pest control include using a system refugia by utilizing natural enemies.
  • Can increase the productivity and quality of crops, integrated pest management at the application does not get the results instantly or in a very quick time, but with you apply in agriculture in a sustainable manner will be very good in your farm future, this is already ever experienced in improving the productivity and quality of agricultural products, I need at least 2 years also of agricultural land with the condition which I think is already categorized as critical.
  • Maintaining natural ecosystems, by applying integrated pest management and not to use chemical pesticides, the natural ecosystems in the agricultural environment you stay awake, and in the future you will be more benefit to the your agriculture business, because the population of pests can be controlled naturally and you also will easily handling the pests on your plants.
That is some experience that I have gained from pest control profits by applying integrated pest management, the most important thing you want to try and know the knowledge in pest control for farmers himself who will be the pest control experts on plants and can apply it in a sustainable manner, because basically integrated pest management is to get results future a better and does not damage the natural ecosystem, because basically nature already provides everything for a man, just how to find out how and apply it to get better results and does not destroy nature.
"integrated pest management methods","integrated pest management benefits","integrated pest management examples"
So which I can convey and share with you about knowing the integrated pest management system, hopefully what I say to you easily understood and certainly useful for you, and if it's good for others please share him. Okay I end the discussion on this occasion and wish you could apply integrated pest management on your farm, see you at the next discussion.
"Greetings agriculture" And hopefully you always be successful in the agribusiness.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

5 points Important In Natural Pest Control

Success in agriculture be a dream for the actors working in the agricultural sector whether it be conventional agriculture as well as those working in agricultural business. The success of agriculture one of which farmers can control pests on crop cultivation whether it be control natural pests or pest control using insecticides for pest plants, whereas to achieve success in controlling plant pests farmers should be able to define the pests in crops so that farmers can set up steps can be done such techniques to control pests, untreated for pests seen in plants, among other things you can pest control trees, pest control plants flowers, or pest control plants for vegetable gardens, all that you are doing in the hopes pests in plants can controlled.
"natural pest control","pest control","pest control plant"
In pest control plant of course, many ways you can do the farmers for the sake success of the cultivation plants, in the discussion this time I will try to review the natural pest control, and may be a reference for you to natural pest control plants, in the hopes the results of the crops we plant can produce healthy foodstuffs.

Natural pest control will be successful if we know the finer points in controlling pests naturally, as this will be interrelated with each other, and I try to make natural pest control tips in 5 points important in natural pest control sourced from own experience and the experience of my friend and this can apply to natural pest control in agriculture or natural pest control for gardens, the following explanation 5 points important in natural pest control.

5 Points Important In Natural Pest Control
Healthy plants in cultivation
Plants are healthy and strong in agricultural cultivation, gardening in the yard, or indoor gardening becomes a very important part in controlling pests naturally. With plants healthy and strong then the plant will be able to survive the onslaught of pests and has the ability to repair damage very quickly. Therefore, in crop cultivation or gardening things you need to do first is the selection superior seed with the ability to survive the attack pests.

Utilization of natural enemies of plant pests
Pest control with how utilizing natural enemies can suppress the population growth of pests in your plants, how to utilize the natural enemies of pest control you can apply one system refugia. With
rufugia system expected attendance natural enemies can overflow which can suppress pest populations in your plants.
"natural pest control plants","natural enemies","natural pest control tips"
Observation plant pests are routinely
Observations pests is dynamic because many aspects that affect each the other, so to be able to know the progress crop pests and their natural enemies will require routine observation so that you can know the condition plants that your cultivated.

The use of insecticide when pest populations increase
Step pest control by using insecticides there are 2 ways, including chemical insecticides for pests or use a
organic pest control, this way you can do if you see from the observation indicate the pest population has increased, it is becoming an option for you insecticides where you want to use , but I recommend organic pest control, because a lot of ways or herb insecticide that you can use to organic pest control, for the way I will discuss in my article next, or you can see examples of the way from me in Mealybugs pest control.

The role of farmers as natural pest control
Success in controlling pests naturally become an important part by the farmers, because they were more knowing of environmental conditions, among others ecosystem in place of cultivation crops, knowing the pests they are dominant or potential pests that can be generated in area where the cultivation of agriculture, this requires that farmers have a knowledge about pests and know the concept emergence pests.

The way that I described above can succeed if the farmers want to seriously implement it, because of factors role of farmers is very important in natural pest control, because every ability and level seriousness of the farmers will be different, so I can not equate the farmers. I can only give you the knowledge that I know and I practice in my farming business.

Hopefully you can be successful in controlling pests naturally so that later agricultural business that you do can produce productivity and quality was ever increasing, and I end discussing about 5 points important natural pest control, hopefully what I have written useful to you, and please share this information so that the other friends who it know how to natural pest control. 

Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

How To Pest Control Mealybug In Order That Succeed

Your plants mealybug infestations.? mealybug pest is indeed a pest that we often encounter in various kinds of plants, as explained in my previous discussion about the pest mealy bugs life cycle, in the previous discussion we can find out why mealybug pest bit difficult for even very difficult to control. Mealybug pest if attack your plants, then you need to aware of the impact that could be caused by the mealybug pest attacks, the impact can be your plants infected by a virus and your plant can also infected by diseases brought by the white mite pests. Once you know the attack mealybug or white bugs on plants, then the next step is the pest mealybug on plants how to get rid of or mealy bug removal.? and how to treat mealybugs.?
"how to","pest control","mealybug"
In fact many ways to mealybugs control, to my knowledge how to control it could use an insecticide for mealybug include mealybug chemical control or a natural insect control pest mealybug, you can also organic pest control or natural pest control, and the latter can be a way to biological pest control or you take advantage of the natural enemies from the pest mealybugs one of which uses the concept refugia. The options you can customize any means which you like and you want to apply, if you do not know all the ways that I just mentioned, then you need not worry as I will explain one by one attempted with language that is easy understand to put into practice. I also had the experience, and in fact I often encounter pest mealybug, a little shared experience from me, I'm a farmer that one of the plants that I planted is papaya, my gardening papaya has been about 4 years ago, so you can imagine how often I face mealybugs, because the papaya plant is a plant that is most preferred by pest mealybugs.

From my experience it makes me often tested in controlling mealybug pests, already many ways I use to control pests mealybugs, of course, there is no effectiveness, effectively, to find the most effective way. Pest control mealybugs indeed many ways, but no way I could explain it all to the discussion this time so I will discuss them one by one, this time I will discuss natural pest control and for me the cost required are also very cheap for me and probably once you know how also would say that the cost is very cheap.

Pest control mealybug naturally I will discuss only require combustion ash material with dish soap, how exceptionally cheap the cost would you spend to make it.? But how to make it.? On this occasion I will give you a way to make natural pesticides to mealybugs natural pest control,. here I explain about how to make natural pesticides to control pests mealybug.

It has been described above that the material used is only ash combustion with dish soap and
the last of course water, for dish soap can be customized in your place.

Bucket as container
Mealybug spray equipment as a means to spray pesticides to mealybugs natural pest control.

How to make
Once the materials are prepared for ash combustion you can prepare the appropriate land area or the number of plants you are affected pest mealybugs, this time I give an example to ash combustion with a weight of 1 kg. So what you need to do first is:
  • Put ashes in a bucket combustion and you can give a water as many 10 liters and stir until completely flattened after mixed evenly you let stand about 1 hour.
  • After the let stand next step dish soap mix about 50 ml and then stirred again until completely evenly.
  • Next please you refine natural insecticides that you have created earlier, then take the water.
  • Next please refine natural insecticides that you have created earlier, then take the water.
Natural pesticides that you created now been finished, pulp and water we can use all of them, to use the waste can we apply with a brush on pest mealybugs on your plants, whereas water can we spray and you can add water back in the ratio 1: 1 , spray with a greater pressure will get better results.

Description : If you do not want to use dish soap, then spray him moment you had to use a spray with great pressure so that a layer of skin on mealybugs can be detached.

How mealybug pest control tips from me.? Easy and very cheap right for you apply in your place. Helpful if you could share with someone else or other farmers, so that this information they can get, and of course this article can have many benefits,
this is also one of the implementation of integrated pest management.

Thus the discussion mealybug natural pest control, and actually there are still other ways to make natural pesticides but could be discussed at the next opportunity, okay umpteen the discussion from me and hopefully this short article I can help you in mealybugs pest control.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Classification and Life Cycles of Pest Mealybug

Mealybug (Pseudococcus) is one of the pest that are difficult to control, this pest also has the properties polyfag which attack many kinds of plants, but this pest more often and maybe you also often see on chilli plants, cassava, mango, papaya and many more plants Preferred mealybug. So when you see pest mealybugs or white bugs on plants and how to treat mealybugs, I suggest you quickly can pest control mealybug pest, if only some of them you can the mealybug removal by hand, as this pest has a rapid development and includes pest carrier plant viruses, so it is feared when you are not going to control it can be bad for your plants, for example, your plants affected by the disease.
"mealybug","mealybug classification","mealy bugs pictures"
Before you try different ways to control the pest mealybugs and in fact you feel difficulty in controlling the pest mealybugs, then you should to know more detail pest mealybugs, you can find information to know the classification pest mealybug and mealy bugs life cycle, with you know information about classification mealybug pest and its life cycle in the future then you can easily control it with the right target, the right dose, and precise methods used in pest control mealybugs. The following classification mealybug pest and life cycle pest mealybug.

Mealybug pest classification
Mealybug have the classification as follows:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropods
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Sub order: Sternorrhyncha
Family: Pseudococcidae
Genus: Pseudococcus

pest mealybug or white bugs include family members Pseudococcidae that had white powder on the outer layer and layer it as a candle that wraps the whole body pest mealybugs, it makes pest mealybug is very difficult to control because it has such coatings that function as a defense from predators and you may never experience it at your plant by using insecticide for mealybugs but not effective and did not produce results. For you who do not know to know the most preferred place mealybug pest you can practice it by flipping the leaves on your plants, because these pests most prefer to nest on the the bottom leaves. Once we know the classification mealybugs then we will continue the discussion of white flea life cycle, so hope after we know it will be easier pest control. Here mealybug pest the life cycle.

The Life Cycle Pest Mealybug
The life cycle pest mealybugs between the males with which females have different life cycles, mealybug females metamorphosed paurometabola (metamorphosis stages), which consists of egg phase, then phase nymph, this phase consists of instar 1 to instar 3, and the last phase of imago, the imago phase mealybug females have no wings. The time needed to complete one generation cycle is about one month, it also depends on the temperature conditions into place of his life.
While for the mealybug life cycle male metamorphosed perfect that consist from egg phase to phase nymph same as the mealybug females but after phase nymph mealybug male metamorphosed into a pupa, and the last phase of imago and the mealybug males phase of imago has a pair wing. (Tanwar et al., 2010). That's the difference in the life cycle that is owned by the mealybug pest, so when you find these pests then you can identify the pest mealybug has entered the phase of what, when you know you are expected to be easier to controlling it.
"mealybug life cycles","mealybug pest","mealybug"
Similarly, the information that I can give about the classification and the life cycle pest mealybugs, may be useful for you, and in the future we will discuss ways of knowing pest infestation mealybugs and pest control measures mealybugs, so the information I provide step by step is expected for that a new activity on the farm or have a new hobby planting crops more easily master the information about the farm, okay I used to end until here, and I'll see you at the next discussion.

"Greetings Agriculture"